Saturday 4 April 2020

Salient features of the Constitutions of Nepal

Salient features of the Constitutions of Nepal (2072)         

  • federal democratic republican governing system.
  • sovereign and state Authority is vested to the people .
  • Federal structure of seven provinces.  
  • three steps of state structure Federal ,provincial and Local 
  • the constitutional president elected from federal and provincial parliament.
  • improved parliamentarian governing system ,prime Minister elected by the parliament-as the chief executive .
  • No prime Minister can dissolve the parliament 
  • The motion of non-confidence against the Prime Minister    cannot be register for two years .
  • Two third majority can amend the constitution .
  • Mixed electoral system .
  • Double house federal parliament in the center the house of representative and the National Assembly   .
  • Directly elected 165 and proportionally 110 out of 275 members of the House of representative .
  • Maximum 25 members of the council of Ministers in the center .
  • 56 elected from 7 provinces  and 3 nominated by the president out of 59 member of the National Assembly .
  • Single house parliament  .
  • total 550 members of parliament  in seven provinces .
  • in province the chief Minster elected by the province parliament and the provincial chief nominated by the president .
  • council of minister in provinces shouldn't be more than 20%of total members of the provincial parliament 
  • the members of the provincial parliaments shall be elected directly 60%of total and proportionally 40%same as in the Federal Parliament.
  •   Huge constitution of 35 chapter ,308 articles and9 schedule .
  • federal commission will determine the demarcation of province.
  • two third majority of the provincial parliament shall name the province.
  • provincial head quarter shall be prescribed by the central government until the provincial assembly doesn't determine it.
  • division of jurisdiction of the center ,provincial and local government in the constitution .
  • Transitional arrangement of use of the right of the provincial assembly and government by the central government until they will be formed. 
  • unified judiciary 
  • The supreme court in the center .
  • Constitutional bench in the supreme court .
  • The high court in every province .
  • district court in current district .
  • Citizenship by descent by name of father or mother .
  • secular Nation .
  • interpretation of Secularism means the religious ,cultural freedom including the preservation of the eternal religion ,culture.   
  • Different commission     for Madhesi, Tharu, Muslim and indigenous ethics. 
  • All mothers tongues as national language ,Nepali Language with Devanagari Script is the official language .
  • National Animal cow ,National flag and National anthem as it is.
  • Districts as an Administrative units .
  • Election district assemblies in districts.
  • Government forming commission will restructure  the local bodies within one year.
  • Transitional arrangement of interim election for local bodies.
  • The members of Constituent Assembly, who were elected for 4 years, will be the members of transformed legislative parliament for the rest tenure.
  • If the General election will be declared before 2074 BS ,their  tenure will terminated by the day of nomination of the candidates .
        Transitional arrangement for the election of the prime Minister   within 7 days ,the speaker within 20 days and the President within 1 month of the promulgation of the Constitution .  

     NepalLegalEagle( Auranjeb Aeraj)

      Auranjeb  Humanist (Facebook Link ) 

         Nepali Legal Eagle Cell +9779851253786

. Auranjeb Humanist (Facebook Link ) NepaliLegalEagle(My Blog Link )

          Nepali Legal Eagle Cell +9779851253786

Above Listed point  are the silent Feature of the constitutions of  Nepal there are so many future of current constitution. 

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