Friday 22 May 2020

Sad, but we can't claim!

Undoubtedly Lipulek, Kalapani, Limpiyadhura falls historically under Nepal's territory. Before waging a war either be Verbal or the Armed one, we have to first see our position over the issues we are raising, question ourselves that do we have enough evidences to put our stand strongly. For every outrage, there will be a rage, in a bigger scale. Are we ready for that??

We are constantly failing at many places. First priority of Nepalese authorities and diplomats were to find surplus of evidences, way before claiming over any disputed territories. Indeed, it's a disputed territory for now.  (reference : IK Gujral documents). But, we get flooded with emotions in the name of "Charsi Rastrawaad" "Afeemi Rastrawaad".  Waging war will be futile for Nepal, whereas high level diplomacy will be fruitful. Nepal is definitely not in the driver's seat.

Ask me why? Very first is "Exclusion in Map". Question will definitely be raised, where was Nepal since last 65 years. Nepal has seen various constitution within this period. Nepal has observed various changes in the governing system from Monarch, Republican governance, to Federal Democratic. Why the above mentioned territories were not included in the official maps throughout the period.

Second one is, in which of the district of Nepal are those territories mentioned ?  Darchhula?? is it?? Do we have paper based Evidences?? In demarcation, Which local level they belong to ?? No mention at all. Whose failure is all this? Is it also India's failure?  Are we going to blame again India for this??

Article 93, paragraph 1, of the Charter of the United Nations provides that all Members of the United Nations are ipso facto parties to the Statute. So no question over this, Nepal is a member state of ICJ. But Nepal has still not signed and submitted the declarations recognizing the jurisdiction of the International Court as compulsory.

India has already done it, and more importantly is a original member of ICJ. Nepal will see a great fail here, if they put the issues at International Court. (Creating Fake tweets of Trump may not going to work here, yes it can pacify some atrocious souls. )

You are wondering why Nepal has not submitted the declaration yet? Very simple, if any of the Madheshi issues goes to International Court, the historical dominations of elites will be halted immediately and racial business will fall eminently. The racist figures will have to face great humiliation. This is all about Karma, and karma will not spare a single individual.

Also it is worthy to note that, most of the population of that region hold dual citizenship. Most of the local of the region will stand in favor of India, as government of Nepal has never shown the presence over there. If you don't believe it, you are welcomed for a social experiment. If people of Nepal need to take roadways, they have to use Indian territories. What a shame! (Susta of Madhesh is also one)

The past and present governments were always Kathmandu centric. They don't care about, what population is suffering and going through outside of the 27 km peripheral of ring road. We are just facing consequences of the incompetencies in leadership. This country was always ruled by only one class of people, more concisely by one particular age and gender within that class. Also sold and broke into pieces by the same class.

For now, it doesn't matter, who sold it or was is just a mistake not to be included. The truth is that India has already invested a lot for it's establishments there. And they will not leave at any case. Final solution is that India will take those Lands on lease to pacify recent protest. And you may note it somewhere, it is not a very likely thing to happen but a sure and certain one. In return, India will offer some other 100+ crores.

It may sound pessimistic for some, but it's true. It's okay if our facebook armies want to wage a war against superpower India, We should strongly welcome them to the Nepalese boarders. It's high time to deploy people of ktm who seemingly behave like Ultra Nationalists to boarders. If the young minds with progressive and liable thoughts don't come into power, the Nepal's boundaries will go on squeezing to a very little.

I am deeply saddened but accepted that I have lost my land. With all the heavy heart, I am more concerned about Mt. Everest, which is still in our map. And China has already started it's propaganda, if we won't stood strong now, after next 10 years it will be in the list of disputed ones, and after next 50 years the highest peak of the world will be seen in other giant nation.


Sad, but we can't claim! Undoubtedly Lipulek, Kalapani, Limpiyadhura falls historically under Nepal's territory. Before waging a w...